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Every November across Canada is Falls Prevention Month. As we grow older, the risk of a fall increases. The Finding Balance Campaign aim to inform seniors, caregivers, healthcare professionals and the public about the risks of slips, trips and falls, and steps one can take to prevent them.

Falls the leading cause of injury among New Brunswickers

From 2010 to 2015, New Brunswick has seen a 26 per cent increase in the number of injured seniors due to falls. Falls among seniors result in approximately 85 per cent of injury-related hospitalizations. In order to provide strategies to help lower this risk among seniors, the NB Trauma Program is committed to bringing the Finding Balance Program to New Brunswick.

This November, we are gearing up for Falls Prevention Month. Finding Balance NB, in collaboration with the NB Trauma Program, will be launching a campaign this November to bring awareness to injury prevention initiatives for seniors, and support initiatives to promote falls prevention in the community.

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